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My Way

I had a very proud momma moment last week. I hopped in my daughter’s car for a short ride across town and, as she always does before she puts the car in drive and after she puts on her seatbelt, she turned on her music. Then she said, “This is the song I’ve been listening…

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It Doesn’t Feel Like Christmas

I had coffee with a friend the morning after Christmas. “It just didn’t feel like Christmas this year,” she said. Many of her family members had been sick, and she was exhausted from working her new job and trying to take care of everyone. On my drive home, I started thinking, “What does Christmas feel…

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What test scores and transcripts won’t tell you and letting God do the talking

My daughter is in the process of applying to vet schools. It’s a highly competitive field, and though there is currently a national shortage of veterinarians, there are only so many slots in each university’s program. Maybe because I was Riley’s teacher for so many years, I feel extremely responsible for her performance in college,…