Shade Tree Stories

musings and memories rooted in faith and family

Latest stories from Under the shade trees

  • Telling Stories
    “Tell me a story! Tell me a story!” When I was a little girl visiting my Granny, I often asked her to tell me a…
  • Thoughts on Alexander Hamilton’s Bio; Can we keep this republic?
    I’ve been reading the very in-depth biography of Alexander Hamilton that was the inspiration for the hit Broadway musical about his life. It’s been quite…
  • Ministry of Presence: what I learned sitting with a dying woman, part 2
    In Part 1, I mentioned Job and his three friends who came to sit with him during his time of intense suffering and grief. For…
  • Ministry of Presence: what I learned sitting with a dying woman (part 1)
    Recently I was asked to pray with a nursing home resident who was nearing the end of her life. Other than her name, the only…
  • R-e-s-p-e-c-t; What does it mean?
    I’m convinced that most people today conflate the concept of manners and respect, and I do not believe that the two are the same. The…
  • The Guitar
    My grandfather and his brother Nathan were musicians in a band that toured. Well, actually, it was just the two of them, and by “toured”…
  • Sitting In a Cathedral
    For Mother’s Day my husband took me to my grandparents’ farm. And when I say “farm,” I mean 110 acres that includes fields for growing…
  • No Easter Photos
    When I was a little girl, there was no question that my family would spend Easter weekend with my grandparents and attend Sunday church services…
  • My Way
    I had a very proud momma moment last week. I hopped in my daughter’s car for a short ride across town and, as she always…
  • Stubbornly Leaning
    I was asked to write a devotional for a ladies group–“Growing in 2024.” Here’s what I came up with. (Rather, here’s what I think God…
  • Hot Dogs Instead of Steak
    This Christmas was my second year singing Handel’s Messiah with a large choir and orchestra. If you aren’t familiar with The Messiah, it’s an oratorio…
  • It Doesn’t Feel Like Christmas
    I had coffee with a friend the morning after Christmas. “It just didn’t feel like Christmas this year,” she said. Many of her family members…
  • Shouting Alleluias and Cuss Words
    I’ve been absent for a bit. Sorry about that. I had a long bout of a Covid-like virus in November and I’ve been scrambling to…
  • Being Present
    I recently enjoyed a much-needed vacation to Hilton Head Island. I was blessed to spend some time relaxing on the beach and bike-riding on the…
  • What test scores and transcripts won’t tell you and letting God do the talking
    My daughter is in the process of applying to vet schools. It’s a highly competitive field, and though there is currently a national shortage of…
  • It Matters So Little
    Presidential hopefuls take the debate stage to brag about their accomplishments and bluster about the incompetencies of their opponents. At the same time, a frail…
  • Singing Children’s Songs
    No summer of my childhood would have been complete without Vacation Bible School. Wafer cookies wrapped in a napkin, styrofoam cups filled with Kool-Aid, crafts…
  • Why do I have to learn this?
    It’s back to school time! I don’t care how old I get, I’m always going to love the excitement that this season brings–the prospect of…
  • Christmas in July
    “What about having Christmas in July?” That was a recent text I received from a nursing home volunteer. She had been crocheting teddy bears as…
  • Welcome to the shade!
    My grandparents lived in a house with no central air conditioning. As spoiled as I am today, I probably wouldn’t last one summer afternoon inside…
Yep, that’s me with my grandfather.
Marla and Pa, 1978

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